After hearing all the intricacies tied up in the whole Paula Deen Fiasco, my mind didn’t really start thinking about the case deeply until news reported yesterday that the Food Network dropped her. I began to think about some of the same questions Bill Maher raises in the video below.

1. Should one’s livelihood be effected by one’s beliefs or statements?
2. Is an apology enough for redemption?
3. Is what’s revealed in a disposition allowed to be used as public proof of one’s character?
4. Does saying words make one racist or is racism more discriminatory and brute actions and attitude?
5. Do we really know what we are saying when we call someone racist?
6. How do we distinguish between cultural beliefs and racist beliefs?
7. Are we too focused on Paula Deen’s words when we should be focused on Politicians’ racist policies?

7. Or as the daily show satirically implies, maybe instead of treating Paula like a villian, should she be a victim in need of a cure?

I admit I do not have all the answers. But I also must admit that Im not too sure that this situation is black and white (no pun intended) either.

Paula Deen and Racism: Some Questions
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