
Filmmaker Kevin R. Breen created a video called “Richard Dawkins Dies” which is “a delightfully South-Park-esque confrontation between Dawkins and God as the two engage in a smack-down at the heart of the creationism vs. evolution quasi-debate”, according to BrainPickings. Now the video is South-Park-esque, so that means it has profanity and could be perceived as profane. So if you are too religious and think God is in the business of striking people down, you may not want to view it.

BUT if you want to wrestle not just with evolution vs creationism but with some interesting philosophy of religion questions (i.e. the irony of the nature of an Old Testament God, the problem of what god to believe in, belief in light of a concealing god, the problem of punishment because of lack of belief), I recommend you take a watch. Dont worry, its safe. If it wasnt, I would not be writing to you now… because I would be dead due to thunder bolts. But I am, so enjoy and discuss.


(If)Richard Dawkins Dies and Talks to God